Our Parents and Citizens Association have been very busy in recent years with fundraising to help make Railway Estate State School even better! We have been working on everything from cake stalls to the V8 Parking. Our dedicated volunteers are always hard at work.
The P&C also run 'The Railway Cafe' which will operate on Fridays on special food days. Flyers about these days will be sent home with students.
This year, we have had to make the decision to not offer V8 parking. This is due to several factors including reduced numbers of people allowed to attend the event (8500 people) and reduced entry gates to the V8's. We look forward to being able to host parking again for 2021.
If you want to be a part of our great P&C, please email our President on the email below.
Come along and make a difference !
Current Committee
President - Kristina Jones
Secretary - Susan Jack
Our contact details are
pandc@railestass.eq.edu.au or phone 0411 562 700.